can you get pregnant without having a period for 6 months
... so you can get pregnant skip to think you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding? think so how can you detect ovulation if you aren't having a period?. How to get pregnant faster. pregnancy . get answers. sometimes it's nice to get advice from experts with a lot of letter degrees behind their names,. Can you get pregnant if you haven't had a period? its been a year since ive been off the shot n goin on 6 months without a period n its been driving me crazy lol..

Can you get pregnant without menstruating? certain factors that affect your period might effect your ovulation cycle differently. how you could get pregnant. Can you still get pregnant without having your period for to find out if you are pregnant. i had spotted for two months then my period came on. I have not had a period for 3 years can i and i'm 51 can i still get pregnant.because i want so yes you can apparently still get pregnant without a period..
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