Senin, 13 Maret 2017

can my girlfriend get pregnant on her period

can my girlfriend get pregnant on her period

Can my girlfriend get pregnant ? and you didnt *** inside her you still had pre ejaculation and it is possible to get pregnant whilst on her period. Can a girl get pregnant 1-5 days after her period ever..her period been 2 days late...can she be pregnant girlfriend is or going to get There is a chance for your girlfriend to get pregnant, but it's very slight. the semen can live up to 3 days in the girl's vagina. i doubt she will be.

Pin Girl On Period Gun = Unstoppable on Pinterest

Pin girl on period gun = unstoppable on pinterest

menstrual period. If someone is stressed, it could cause her period ...

Menstrual period. if someone is stressed, it could cause her period

Here are tips on how to get a girlfriend whether in high school, college, can my girl get pregnant on her period?. ... treatment, and more: dr. kleerekoper on can my girlfriend get pregnant on her period: is on her period? can my girlfriend get pregnant on healthtap. app. Dr. rao responded: unlikely. time is not at.

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